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            Search Keywords:

            Conductive anti-static coating    Solid capacitance and battery materials    Adhesive series    



            Contact Us

            SiNuoFuHong Technology

            Add: No. 14, Zhongnan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
            Mobile: +86-15926398980 (Mr. Kang)
            Tel: +86-27-87157790 / 87157730
            Fax: +86-27-87157780


            High-molecule conductive/anti-static coating fluid

            Product name: Poly(3,4-ethylenedloxythiophene)/poly(styrenesulfonate)
            Alias/abbreviation:PEDOT/PSS, PEDT/PSS
            CAS No:155090-83-8


            Application characteristics
            Dry filk thickness is under 200nm;
            Excellent electrical conductivity, surface resistance can reach 1OE3-10E9Ω/□;
            Clean conductive function;
            Stable conductive function;
            Favorable processing properties;
            Free of heavy metal, halogen, VOC, and other hazardous substances.


            Anti-static and conductive sheets, films, glasses, and high-grade coating paper;
            Protective film of optical display, components and parts;
            Anti-static and conductive tray, cover tape, carrier tape, and etc.;
            Anti-static and conductive packing bag, shielding bag, and etc.;

            pdf PDF : High-molecule conductive/anti-static coating fluid        Detail

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